So I'm a little late in getting this up to date... that's what sleeping 1 hour on a High School Gym floor, followed by more running and one heck of a post race party will do to you.
Van 1 truly shined in our third leg. Terence received the baton from Eddie at around 6am and charged (mostly uphill) 7.5 miles. One of my favorite moment from leg 3 happened while Terence was in mid run and went as follows:
Me: "Damn, I wish I had another coffee at that last exchange."
Stevie: "I wish I actually trained for this!"
This was topped only by Grant wearing Esther's (tiny) coat as a warmup while waiting for Peter to arrive. Grant did not disappoint, attacking the hills in his final 6.9 mile leg.
Clearly we were getting tired since we starting dropping the baton at exchanges -- yep, we were definitely ready to call it a day.
We arrived in Dobbs Ferry at close to 11am to wait for the arrival of Van 2. Lucky for us the Ragnar folks were ready for us and were serving up burgers and beer.
Will closed it out sprinting to the finish just past noon. We were about 30 minutes off our goal for a 185 mile race. Still waiting for the official results, but it appears that we checked in at 2nd place out of 200 teams losing out only to a team of College Cross Country runners from Union College, while capturing the top Corporate prize. Not bad for a team that was plagued by injuries and last minute replacements over the last two weeks... including being one man down with less than 48 hours before the start (thank you Terence for jumping in last minute!).
I consider my lucky to be a member of such a talented and fun team. Big thanks to Eddie for bringing us all together (especially for getting our former Captain and team leader Tom Phillips back). And an even bigger thanks to our drivers to our drivers, Esther and Kerry. We couldn't have done this without you.