Friday, August 22, 2014

For immediate release

Van 2 finished their first set with University of Portland in sight. Van 1 takes chase.

Van 1 into Portland

Legs 1 through 6 are in the books. Brett and Arjun handled Mt. Hood like champs. And then Jeff, Ben, Matt and I held to the infamous team spreadsheet and opened up some time on our projection.

Taylor is *crushing* it on the driving. We had one navigation snafu at exchange 5 that she handled like a pro. Kerry would be proud.

Six legs down

Van 1 capped off our first six legs with Big Cat knocking a good two minutes of his projection. Sandbag award? Only time will tell.

Overall we are over 7 minutes ahead of the projection and leading the second pack. Nike BAC, U of Portland, and New Balance are out front. Van 2 is on the course.

Made it to PDX

Made it to Portland where conditions are ideal for running. Team feeling good.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Mother of All Relays

Time again for our annual pilgrimage to lovely Portland, Oregon for Hood to Coast.  Be sure to follow along as we look to improve upon last year's third place finish.

The team is looking as strong as ever.  The hay is in the barn, and we're chomping at the bit.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Google1 first! Google Too fourth!

At long last, we made it to Santa Cruz!  Google1 crossed the finish line first overall in 18 hours 20 minutes 16 seconds, a whopping 49 minutes faster than last year.  Perennial rivals DSE Racing finished a not too distant 16 minutes back.  Congrats to them for putting up a fight the entire way.  That's what makes these contests so worthwhile.

Our sibling team Google Too finished in an impressive 20:21:50, good enough for fourth overall and second in the corporate division.

Lastly, a special shoutout goes to fellow Googler Nick Shelton and his team Kidney Garden Heroes for finishing the race despite being short of a few runners.  As with all the other teams, Nick's team was raising money and awareness for Organs 'R' Us.  Nick himself will be donating one of his kidneys to his brother in a couple weeks.

Morning runners are unleashed

We are on to the final set of runners descending the curves to Santa Cruz. 4 legs left and the team is in high spirits. We appear to have cushion on the next team, but the pace has not relented as each runner is gunning to make their predicted split.

Santa Cruz here we come!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Van 2 Tug of War. Prize: Chipotle

Van 2 finished a windy set of legs, going back and forth with perennial rivals DSE Racing. Our lead was extended as much as 10 minutes though in the end we were 7:30 ahead.

After the fitful give and take, we celebrated (and refueled) on Chipotle. Things almost turned sour though as we ran into the DSE Killer Bees at the establishment.  Cooler heads (and growling stomachs) prevailed in the end.  The worst of it being a photo op with faux strangulations (not picture).

Pre-leg / Pre-sunset consult

Picture summary.

6 legs down.... On to van 2..

Some really solid running by van 1 has put us up on our estimates and running strong.

Looks like the wind is becoming an issue. Westerly....and we are headed there may be some cold struggles ahead. Nonetheless, spirits and pace are up..... So it's looking good.

We are off!

3pm just rolled around and the last wave of runners hit the road. Google 1 and Google Too were in the mix and gallantly took on the heat. Let the races begin!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Twas The Night Before The Relay

Twas the night before the Relay, when all through the Bay
Not a creature was stirring, not even in Monterey.
The reflective vests were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that race day soon would be there.

The runners were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of the finish line danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘singlet, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our feet for a short fitful nap.

When out in the city there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of fog thick as snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to streetcars below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature van, and six runners dear.

With a weary-eyed driver, not so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be some trick.
More rapid than coursers these harriers they came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and called each name!

To the top of the bridge! to the top of the hill!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"


Then I woke with a start, it was all just a dream,
And away it all flew like the water down a stream.
But tomorrow we race, it's gonna be quite a fight,
200 miles to Santa Cruz, we'll be there by first light!

Good luck to all the teams running the Golden Gate Relay this year to benefit Organs 'R' Us!  Please consider donating to this worthy cause.  Google1 will be vying again for the win.  Here's to a competitive race!

Please check back for updates on our progress as we live blog the race.  You can also follow us on Twitter.