Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Polaroid Throwback
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Saturday, August 24, 2013
Back in cell range
Van 2 is midway through our last legs. Eddie and Andrew are finished and Ben Mears is midway through a tough but beautiful 7.8 miles. As you can tell from the pics, he's cruising.
Friday, August 23, 2013
A beautiful evening
The weather has been beautiful so far. Really perfect for running aside from a patch of late-day heat.
Great sunset from our way to Portland.
Once more into the breach, dear friends
Game time is almost here for van 2. We're currently at exchange 18, waiting for Matt and Jeff to finish. Ready to go after a quick stop at Sizzle Pie in Portland.
Knock on wood, but we haven't seen the levels of crazy van pileup delays as we did last year. Mist, OR will be the real test, but maybe the early start time worked...
Into the Night
Van 1 is in the middle of our second set of legs, leaving Portland. Uncorroborated reports are that we sit in 3rd (!) behind Bowerman AC and Portland alumni. A number of teams in the mixed division are running a tight race behind us.
Portland Traffic Report
It's bad. Three almost-misses for Ben Liebald, Ben Carr and Angie Strange.
I think Kerry Murrill, driver extrodinaire, would have been proud of our "adaptive routing" and creative use of u-turns to get out of traffic.
About to hand it back to van 1 in Portland.
The waiting game
I think one of the hardest things about these relays is the waiting. Van 2 is currently in irons (as the sailors would say) at the exchange for leg 7. We should start in about an hour, but in the meantime, we can only hang out, stretch and not let nerves get to us. These races are fits of energy for a few hours followed by a slow burn of laying low and chatting with teammates & other teams (one just let us know that our blog address is 401'ed on the van--thanks Team Glory Days)